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Announcement on 17/10/2007
Wednesday, October 17, 2007 9:27 PM

Date: 17/10/2007

To Sec 1 - 2 cadets,

Please note that there will be training this Friday, 19 October 2007
from 2.30pm to 6.30pm. Attire will be mufti.

Things to bring:
1) 1.5l coke bottle
2) Sec 1s: RCK Bronze Notes, Evacuation Bronze Notes and Boots
3) Sec 2s: OA Bronze Notes (Print from website)
4) Writing materials

1) Sec 1 I/C: Hui Xian
2) Sec 2 I/C: Almanda
3) Sec 1s cadets: Study for RCK Bronze. If you do not have the notes, take the initiative to photocopy from your squadmates. There will be an accreditation.

NYAA Presentation
Wednesday, October 10, 2007 3:53 PM

I'm very sorry for any inconvenience caused because of a HTML scripting archive error. Ive left the changes I've made a long time ago unsent to the server, and caused delay in the linkage of this file.

Mr Vincent Tan has requested that the NYAA file to be sent via this website. So I've reset the file to a server, and here is the link.

It is located over at the sidebar, or you can get it here

Once again, apologies. If there is still trouble getting this file, please inform me.

Webmaster Koh Jia Ming.

Who We Are
Tanjong Katong Red Cross Youth
©2009 TKRCY. Copyrighted under the Creative Commons license

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